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Sacraments are special religious ceremonies that are seen as ways to receive God's blessing and help in life. There are seven of them, and each one has a special purpose. These ceremonies are important in Catholic life and help people feel closer to God.

Contact a Parish to Schedule a Sacrament or to Get More Information

Holy Rosary
St. Ann
Ss. Peter & Paul

One of three Sacraments of Initiation, this is the Sacrament through which individuals – babies or adults – formally become members of the Catholic Christian faith community.

Contact the office at least one month before the desired date of the Baptism to arrange for preparations. Baptisms are generally celebrated during one of our Masses or shortly after Mass (if that is preferred). Baptismal preparation is led by Deacon Dennis. 


The second Sacrament of Initiation is the reception of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine which are consecrated by the priest celebrant at each celebration of the Eucharist.


The Eucharist is received for the first time by children in the second grade generally late April or early May in their home parish at a Sunday morning Mass with the community present gathered around them. Students and parents participate in a preparation program leading up to the reception of First Eucharist.

This is the third Sacrament of Initiation. The Bishop is the usual celebrant of this sacrament through which the candidate receives the anointing of the Holy Spirit to enable the candidate to continue living out his/her commitment made initially at Baptism.


Confirmation is generally received by high school students in the fall of their senior year.The Sacrament is celebrated jointly with students from Holy Rosary, St. Ann, and Ss. Peter & Paul.

Catholics have the opportunity to have sins they have committed forgiven through this sacrament formerly known as “Penance” or “Confession.” Students in the second grade traditionally receive this sacrament for the first time prior to the time when they receive the sacrament of First Eucharist.

Opportunities for the reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation happen on Saturday afternoons (5:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary; 3:15 p.m. at Ss. Peter & Paul) or on Sunday mornings after Mass once a month at St. Ann. Appointments for the Sacrament of Reconciliation can always be set up individually as well. During Advent and Lent, the three linked parishes also have a Communal Reconciliation Service together, with the opportunity for the individual reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Through his presence at the Wedding Feast of Cana, Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Marriage to enable husbands and wives to live out their commitment to each other with the grace that comes from the reception of this sacrament.


Couples wishing to be married at one of our three linked parishes are asked to contact Fr. Alvan Amadi by calling one of our parish offices at least six months prior to the date of their wedding so that all the necessary preparations may be completed in time for the celebration. Marriages between two Catholics are generally celebrated with Mass, while those involving a Catholic and a non-Catholic are generally celebrated within a Liturgy of the Word service.

This healing sacrament is received by those Catholics who are seriously ill or who may be preparing for or recovering from surgery or some serious medical procedure. It is also received by those who may be suffering from the ravages of old age. Jesus’ ministry was one of healing and this sacrament invites us to participate within that reality.


Are you in need of the healing of Christ? Call us for an appointment.

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Conferred by the Bishop, this sacrament is received by qualified males to assume positions of leadership in the parish community. Deacons and priests receive this sacrament after a lengthy period of preparation.


Our three linked parishes are privileged to be served by Fr. Alvan Amadi and by Deacons Bernard "Pat" Knier and Dennis Bennin.

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